CoP's values

Children of Potentials (CoP) believes that all children are imbued with enormous talents, with potential to excel in academic, sports, and other areas of human endeavours. Invariably, these talents are often suppressed or missed due to circumstances beyond their control. CoP is committed to working with others to improve children and young people’s Education, Health and Socio-economic well-being in poor communities. We recognise the importance of fair and equitable society where no child is disadvantaged -no matter where one lives. We work in partnership with relevant stakeholder to support children and young people achieve their full potential. With your involvement, CoP hopes to combat the social, economic and political disadvantages many children and young people face. Help in shaping their future!

Membership Provisions

Becoming a Member

Membership is universal and open to all well-meaning and decent Individuals of 16 years or over as well as organisations who share the visions and aspiration of the organization, cutting across all boundaries of race, sex, politics, religions and cultures.

Conduct of Members

  • Members shall take practical interest in the work of the Organisation, and shall endeavour to seek the growth of the Organisation. They shall voluntarily contribute financially or otherwise, to the Organisation, according to their means, towards the discharge of its duties and obligations.
  • Members shall be loyal and faithful to the Organisation, its members as well as the State and prevailing laws.
  • Members shall act as ambassadors of the Organisation. Indiscipline and lawlessness on the part of members shall lead to measures towards deregistration of membership.

Rights of Members

  • A member shall have the right to seek leadership position in the organisation.
  • A member shall have the right to call upon the leadership to assist a particular situation whenever the situation so demands, provided such calls are within the aims, objectives and resources of the Organisation.
  • A member shall have the right to make his/her voice to be heard regarding any matter, provided such matter is in accordance with the objects of the Organisation, and that the right procedure is followed.

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Sponsor a project

The act of giving one’s time, energy and expertise towards the advancement of a given cause is a path to honour and selflessness. Learn more…

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Sponsor a child

Sponsor a child’s education; you’ll be making a great difference for a generation. Read more

Membership teaser


Membership is universal and open to all well-meaning individuals of 16 years or over, as well as organisations and institutions who share our vision and aspirations. Learn more.

You can also

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Donate Today

Your donation today can go a long way in making a difference in disadvantaged child’s Education, Health and/or Socio-Economic needs. Learn more.

Footer details

United Kingdom: Children of Potentials International, 22 York Road, London E10 5QG Tel: 0208 133 6996 Mobile: 07877 196356