Our Services

Support to Parents and Guardians

Support to Institutions

Criteria For Support


Recent Activities

The services we provide hinge on children and youth education, health, social and economic circumstances in deprived communities. We work to address the factors that militate against the achievement of these objectives. These include facilitating access to education, minimising poor school attendance (e.g. as a result of malaria sicknesses), addressing issues with parental poverty, scarce educational resources as well as low aspirations and attitudes to learning among sections of society. These are in line with meeting some of the unmet goals of the erstwhile United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDG) (especially goals 1, 2, & 6) as well as contribute to its follow-up Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Our services have been structured into projects. The projects outline this organisation’s short-to-medium-to-long term programmes for the purpose of meeting our set objectives. All projects are commissioned and undertaken in consultation with relevant stakeholders including schools, parents’ associations, community leaders, agencies and institutions. Our projects include:

Sponsorship of Pupils’ Education (short term)

We sponsor and support children and youth education in terms of:

  • Supplementing payment of fees for struggling students.
  • Facilitating catch-up lessons for struggling students.
  • Provide school uniforms for struggling students.
  • Providing clothing and equipment.
  • Providing mosquito nets to reduce absenteeism caused by malaria diseases.

These initiatives form part of this charity’s aim of supporting poor parents who would otherwise be unable to send their children to school.

Students’ Study Support Centre (Short Term)

  • Set up catch-up classes and homework clubs for struggling pupils/students to improve learning outcomes.

This initiative forms part of this charity’s aim of supporting struggling pupils and students especially those preparing for end-of-stage examinations such as SATs and GCE/GCSE, to catapult them to higher levels in their education. This, we believe, will lead to high level of education attainments and employability.

Mosquito Nets Project (short term)

Researches show that school attendance correlates to academic performance. Unfortunately, many pupils miss classes or even die as a result of malaria diseases. This charity strongly support all intervention aimed at preventing this life-threatening disease in Sub-Saharan Africa where studies show that the use of treated mosquito nets decreases severe malaria ( 45%), reduced premature births (42%) and cut child deaths (63%). We aim to secure over large quantities of Long-Lasting Insecticide Nets for families in malaria-prevalent communities. These projects form part of this charity’s aim of improving poor school attendance as a result of malaria sicknesses.

Poverty reduction Initiatives (mid term)

  • Facilitating income-generating programmes to enable parents take active roles in their children’s education
  • Sponsored vocational/IT training for young parents, especially teen-age mothers – leading to employment.

These initiatives form part of this organisation’s aim of supporting poor parents who would otherwise not send their children to school.

Support to Educational Institutions (mid term)

  • Provide books, pens, sports equipment
  • Renovate or rebuild school/structures
  • Provide sports/recreational equipment and materials
  • Provide Teacher support and training

ICT Centre Projects (Long Term)

This campaign seeks to build and equip a number of ICT centres in selected satellite rural community schools in Ghana, Malawi and other African countries where the facility is non-existent. These community-led projects form part of this charity’s aim of enriching the teaching and learning processes

Library Projects (Long Term)

This campaign seeks to build and equip a number of community libraries in selected satellite rural community schools in Ghana, Malawi and other African countries where the facility is non-existent. These community-led projects form part of this charity’s aim of enriching the teaching and learning processes
We continue to explore other areas that best meet our objectives.

Other services we provide include:

Support for schools and health institutions

  • Supplying classroom furniture and equipment
  • Supplying books, pens, footballs etc.
  • Supplying computers
  • Building community computer labs
  • Building community libraries
  • Renovating school buildings/structures
  • Supplying sports/recreational equipment and materials
  • Teacher support and training
  • Solicit for medical supplies

Support for parents

  • Facilitating income-generating activities
  • Sponsor vocational training of teen-age mother – leading to employment
  • Providing or sponsor appropriate training to promote the education and employability of the youth and adults to be able to support and supervise their children’s education.
  • Provide facilities for sitting set examinations across various settings


  • Represent students, parents and school etc in matters relating to children’s education and health services
  • Provide advice and share information on education, training, employment and other matters to students.


  • Establish business ventures and farming activities that plough back revenues to support our programmes.

We can not accomplish all these undertakings without your support. You are the reason behind our headlines. If you or your organisation would like to donate cash, donate equipment or sponsor a child, please take a minute or two to complete the appropriate form. We will follow it up.